First One Down

Well its been a week since the first surgery! It was successful and I'm home, healing, and tired all the time. The first step on the long road of recovery has been made!

There were some answers found with this surgery and for that I am very thankful! They removed almost all of the cancer and the rest will be taken care of easily with the reconstruction surgeries. All of the edges and lymph nodes are clear of cancer (yay!). And the amount of invasive cancer was small!

All of this is good news, although the results of the surgery are a pain and at the moment I hate it all! As much as I hate all of this, I want to take a minute and talk about how I was diagnosed with cancer because it really was God's timing. Women my age are not tested for Breast Cancer, because it is extremely rare. When I came home for Christmas I went into the doctor to check something that actually turned out to be nothing! Through the results of testing what turned out to be nothing, they found the cancer. If we had found it later, it could have been much more invasive and serious. My type of cancer is extremely aggressive and I am so thankful that we found it when we did!

For now I'm basically hanging out at home and resting and healing until it's time for the next doctor's appointment and surgery.

Please continue to pray for strength, healing, and no chemo! It's hard for me to sit around and wait and wait and wait, but God must be slowing my life down for some reason! I hope that in all this waiting and frustration that I still am able to find my joy and hope in God.

"But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy." - Psalms 5:11


  1. May the Lord continue to strengthen you with His power. May He fill you with His never-ending joy and you endure what He has laid out for you. May you find rest in His love. Rest up sweet girl. You will be going, going, going again in no time. Love you mucho, The Rivero Clan

  2. My favorite thing about this post is that you are not pretending like everything is easy and perfect. Because it's not.
    Scripture commands us to give thanks IN everyting, not FOR everything.
    The cancer and the recovery stink, but you can still find joy and reasons for praise in the uncomfortable.
    Nothing is ever wasted with the Lord, Lins.
    Not even the waiting.
    From the outside looking in, I see a young woman desperately seeking to honor the Lord in the midst of a devastating trial.
    And He is glorified because of it.
    I love you!

  3. Praise God that this cancer was found early! His timing is amazing. I know you will look back one day and see how God brought you through this. We are praying for a speedy recovery for you and definitely for no chemo! May you be a light to others through this!

  4. Hi Lindsey
    It's Uncle Rick and Robbyn. We hope you are doing well. We pray for you every day. You are an amaizing young woman. Thank you for sharing your story. We will keep in touch and keep sending our prayers.
    Love Uncle Rick and Robbyn


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