
Showing posts from August, 2019

If you haven’t had cancer...

Personal Update: I finished my 18 weeks of chemo and 3 weeks later started 33 sessions of radiation. I finished radiation on June 27th, the day after the school year ended. My hair has officially started to come back (yay!), although every day it is a reminder of how hard the last year was. My surgeries and treatments lasted the entire last school year (September-June), and I am very excited to start this next school year without any of that on my list of to-dos. I have started two medications to suppress estrogen and shut down my ovaries for at least the next 5 years. My hope is to have reconstructive surgery next summer. I want to apologize to those of you who wanted to celebrate with me as I finished my chemo and radiation therapies. The end of radiation was an (unexpectedly) emotional time. While I knew I should be excited to be done with such a difficult thing, I just couldn't stop thinking about how this will be a life-long journey that will be affecting my life. It is no