
Showing posts from February, 2015

Surgeries and Silver Linings

I finally have a first surgery date!  March 3rd . Really soon, but that's good! I'm going to give some surgery details so if that's TMI please feel free to skip the rest of the paragraph!!! The cancer is invasive... so that's why it's so soon! At this point the plan is for double mastectomies and reconstructive surgeries after that. That will most likely be a series of three surgeries. This surgery will give most of the answers that I need to plan the rest of treatment. It will tell me if I need chemotherapy and if I will need follow-up surgeries to make sure all of the cancer is gone. I just want to take some time to point out the small blessings God has given me along the way! I am Diabetic! Which may not seem like a blessing at first glance... BUT it has prepared me for dealing with doctors and procedures and taking care of myself! It also helped prepare me emotionally to receive the news of cancer. I am able to come home. I get to live in my parents'

I'm Not a Fan of Change.

Hi everyone!! Many of you know that I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer about a month ago. I have moved back up to Washington and had to put college on hold for now. My goal is to transfer to a school in Washington. But for now I will be going through surgeries and possibly chemotherapy. There are lots of unknowns right now (which drives me crazy!), but more answers will be given as things move along! The cancer is Grade 3 which means that it is fairly fast growing. This was definitely not the way I saw this year of my life going, and you better believe I had it all planned out wonderfully! But I believe that God has a purpose in everything. I gave this blog the title "I Don't Even Have the Gene" because I don't have the Breast Cancer gene! I don't have any of several genes that lead to Breast Cancer! This was a complete shock to myself and all of my doctors since I'm only 22 years old! (Around the doctors I'm often referred to as the "22 year-o